Last monday I took Brex in for an ear infection. Oh how nice, that he is able to now tell me his ear hurts so that I dont have to play the guessing game. Sure enough he had a double infection, so he was given amoxicillin that he has had before. However, this time after taking his entire weeks worth of daily doses, he did what Londyn did a year ago and broke out in a horrible rash and hives, so off to the doctors we go again. This is telling us that our kids are no longer able to take this because there bodies can all the sudden become allergic to this. Good news from that visit was that his infection had cleared up. But he has continued to be stuffy and not be quite himself, and on sat and sunday he was feavered the whole time. It being monday morning today we were off back to the doc's and sure enough he now has another double ear infection, so we are on a new antibiotic. we were told that if he gets anymore that he needs to get tubes in his ears. HOpefully not, but I guess lots of kids get them so we would deal with it if he had too.
Funny how it becomes easier and easier to torture your children:)) just kidding, but when the doc was leaving the room, he asked if any of us (Britt on fall break, londyn, brex or I) would like a flu shot????? hmmmm, sure all of us please. I was just thinking it could cut down on our winter visits. Ohh you would have thought that I just announced the end of the world. Of all of my kids, it was Britt who started crying with fear of the needle. It didnt help that we had to wait another 15 min in the room with the antisipation continued building of how bad it was going to be.
Brex went first, with a few tears but the bandaid fixed all. Londyn just scowled and said Ohh that hurt. Next was Britt, I seriously had to pry her out of the chair and all but sit on her while the nurse stabbed her:) I think even being 10 the bandaid helped a little:) next I got mine also. Afterwards we all felt the need to hit a target and get us a suprise for doing so good.
haha thanks for telling the whole back up story on me crying!!!!hehe
Oh, that's horrible! I hate taking kids to the Doctor's! It seems to consume my whole day! Good thing we have Target to fix everything!
I feel for you! My boys all get ear infections-they're the worst. Here's to a happy flu season!!
You guys are BRAVE. Good thing you got the shots, it should help. I love how the bandaids fix all. What a great Mom you are to pull up the ranks.
Just tell them that Taylor is due for 4-5 shots since he is going into 7th grade next year. Maybe that will make them feel better! Give the kiddies a hug from me.
Oh Kayla, always the story teller. You crack me up!!!
Man that really stinks. I am not looking forward to being sick with my kids.
P.S. thanks for the birthday wishes. My phone was dead for two days until I realized I had left my charger at my in-laws house. Nice-
I hope Brex doen't end up with tubes. Gage has had them twice and he's just now 6. I hope this season doesn't require another set, I'm already seeing signs of hearing loss. Ahhh! And I had them as a kid as well. The worst part is always having to wear those anoying ear plugs. Good luck.
Brittany sounds like her Grandma when she was also a kid!!!
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