Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th weekend part2

Britt, Lindsey and Lexi on top of the float waving.
Uncle Jordon & Aunt Kenz came to the rescue. You would have thought that I didnt feed my kids the way they chowed on Jdogs banana and yogurt. I couldnt believe that they made it to the parade after playing all night until 7:00 that morning in the softball tourney, and then having to run off after the parade to play in an all day volleyball tourneyment. My kids just love them:)
I just thought this pic was so cute of Brex, he was so excited about everything during the parade. He was mimiking all the firetruck and siren noises:)
Britt and Lindsey getting ready for some of the races after the parade. This was all going on while grandpa and grandma were waiting in line for the yummy navajo tacos they were bringing back for lunch. (we were saving are nice shaddy spot) Umm I think that Brad and I got the better end on that one:) thanks mom and dad.
Gosh, I am having a hard time deciding which pics to use. I have so many cute ones. This is Britt and Lindsey, they are preety much inseperable when they get the chance. Linds is Brittany's cousin on the Lymans side, they have so much in common, it is fun to watch them together.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love the gadianton band. That is the funniest thing ever. My first fourth of july in blanding was when Francis and I were dating and David wore some silly wig and Joe was announcing and saying all sorts of weird stuff and I was so embarrassed for them! Its so funny now I realize thats all part of the float. I LOVE IT!!!! :)