Sunday, March 23, 2008

"POCCO" comes to visit

Our neighbors "The Reynolds" were out of town for spring break and needed a sitter for their pug "Pocco". We have watched their dog befor and my kids fell in love with it. So it was a no brainer to say yes to watching it again, I knew that my kids would totally be entertained. Poc was staying at his house but we were just going over to play with her and feed and water, however that was clearly not enough time with her, so we did get permission to bring her back to play at our house. The first morning we went over it was at the crack of dawn and my kids were still in their pjs, but they couldnt wait any longer. I wish that I was more of a dog person, I always tell my kids that if I was a good mom then I would get them a dog, but I must not be. sorry, but they are still working on my and I will be honest, I am close to caving, but shhhh dont tell them that:)

1 comment:

Bobby and Shanna said...

Just have Brad's dog at my house...I'm just babysitting it...