Tuesday, March 4, 2008

back to the gym!

Have you ever felt like you are in one of those kid story books were there is like an animal head and then a spinner middle section and spinner bottom half of the body that you can go through until you find the matches that all go together? Well, that is what I have been feeling like latley. I know that getting back to the gym will help me feel more like myself. So it is official, I am going back tomorrow:)))) I figure that it isnt so far until summer and I need to find the right matching body peices to go with the rest of me:) so that I can enjoy swimmingsuit shopping. Also I am really wanting to get back into running, Iknow that because I have had to take it so easy, that even with just walking for the next 2 weeks (until I get the dr's official ok to do more) will be a good start to getting back into my routine. anyways I am just rambleing, so I will wrap this up.


The Knappy Crew said...

Yay!!!I will have to join you soon. Thanks to those cinamon rolls I'll need to go for five days straight.jk
Your wedding pictures are so cute.Call me. I have a fun thing to share.

Natalie said...

Can anyone really ever "enjoy swimming suit shopping?" Take it easy, girl, it's only been a few WEEKS!