Friday, January 9, 2009

Birthday suprises!

For my birthday this year I was told not to get out of bed until I was told too. Gosh, how do you argue with that? I could hear the kids rustling around out in our loft area for quite some time, finally at around 8:00 they told me to close my eyes and come out. They had the whole area decorated so cute! There were little cupcakes, candles and other bday pictures hung everywhere. They then led me downstairs to show me that they had straightened the whole downstairs and had me some breakfast waiting. Brittany told me that she wanted to bring it to me in bed but was worried that it would be to messy. She was right, it would have been:) I have told my kids that I used to eat toast with peanut butter and bananas on it all the time as a kid, but they get this super discusted look on there faces at the thought of it. I was suprised to see that she made just that for me.


The Barclay Family said...

How fun! Cute (and thougtful)kids you have!

Angela Lindley said...

You have some amazing kids! glad it was a fabulous day. the other day jewel came on the radio, speaking of things we used to do. I was singing loudly, just like during lunch in high school to Jewel. good times