Thursday, August 7, 2008

What the????

Quick bit of info that will probley embarass Brittany. But she just got her FIRST boy calling the house for her tonight. Ewwwwww Zack:))) Obviously other boys have called but only as friends. Oh no Brad time to get your shotgun ready:))


Bobby and Shanna said...

The fun begins, Mom & Dad...

Angela Lindley said...

Good luck with that BRAD!!!

The Knappy Crew said...

Ha...ha..ha...!!Is this that boy that was trying to chase her down the last day of school??? I am dying, I can't believe your daughter is old enough for that stage. So crazy! lol

MIchelle said...

I totally know what you mean. When we went to our ultrasound with this last one, Russ said that if it was another girl, he got to buy a shotgun. So about a week after the we go the news, he got his shotgun.

blackburns said...

ooooooooooooooo brittanys go a man that last part sounds like my dad though