Wednesday, April 16, 2008

more from the wedding

These pics were taken at the wedding. These are my 2 sisters and I with our hubbys.


jeffylou said...

Cute pics, send them to me e-mail please. You can see how happy I was not to have to stand in line all night! Love ya from your curly sister.

jeffylou said...

Cute pics, send them to me e-mail please. You can see how happy I was not to have to stand in line all night! Love ya from your curly sister.

jeffylou said...

Cute pics, send them to me e-mail please. You can see how happy I was not to have to stand in line all night! Love ya from your curly sister.

Bobby and Shanna said...

Very good all look fantastic...I really like this picture of you & Brad...

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family! I love weddings. Such a great excuse to get everyone together - as long as no almost accidents occur!

Angela Lindley said...

Yes, they are cute pics and obviously jeffylou thinks that. hehe
The wedding was fun and your brexon is the cutest.